CIARÁN AND MARIE are married and living in Galway.

CIARÁN AND MARIE are married and living in Galway.

Ciarán is in his late 60s and is retired, while Marie is about to turn 65 and works part time.

Ciarán has an occupational pension of € 37,000 and also receives dividends of € 5,000 per annum, together with the State Contributory Pension. Marie earns € 14,000 from her part- time job and is not a member of an occupational pension scheme.

Marie had hoped the Minister would do away with the State Transition Pension so she could continue to work part time when she turns 65. She had hoped to be able to claim the State Contributory Pension at 65 rather than having to wait until she is 66. She is disappointed this did not happen.


Ciarán and Marie also own a property in Dublin that their children occupied while attending university. Their youngest daughter has recently vacated the property and they are considering selling it so they can purchase a holiday home.

They are not pleased that the capital gains tax rate has risen to 22 per cent. If they decide not to sell the property, they will also have to pay € 200 per annum as the property is not their principal private residence.

They are pleased the Minister increased the standard rate band and increased the maximum weekly personal rates for all State pensions.

Ciarán and Marie will be €9 a month worse off following the Budget changes.