Pensions increase welcomed

The Budget received a mixed reaction from Dubliners last night, although the announced £5 increase for pensioners was widely …

The Budget received a mixed reaction from Dubliners last night, although the announced £5 increase for pensioners was widely welcomed. Despite the reduction in income tax for PAYE workers, some expressed despair over the existing difficulties facing first-time buyers in the housing market.

"There is definitely not enough being done to help low-paid people. How on earth are first-time buyers expected to get into the property market," said Ms Olwen Norton, a single PAYE worker from Booterstown.

"I'm looking to buy, but there is no way I can afford it at the present moment. When are prices going to drop - we are not getting any younger. This is the nineties and they would want to start realising that more and more people are going to want to start buying."

Mr Tony Durcan from Drumcondra praised the increase in the State pension and said that the old had been the greatest beneficiaries. However, he thought income tax cuts should have been aimed more specifically at those in lower-paid jobs.


He added: "I'm surprised at Fianna Fail because they promised to increase the first time buyers grant from £3,000 to £5,000, but that does not seem to have materialised."

Mr Colin Farrell (23), from Templeogue, said he would not notice the benefit of the reductions in income tax and PRSI levels. He also voiced concern at current house prices.

"The rate of income tax is so much lower in England than it is here. What is happening here that it is so high?"