
Michael Jackson has told Life magazine his wife Debbie Rowe is pregnant with their second child

Michael Jackson has told Life magazine his wife Debbie Rowe is pregnant with their second child. Their first child, Prince Michael Junior, was born in February. His godparents are Elizabeth Taylor and Macaulay Culkin.

Britain's Duchess of York said she believed the media has a legitimate role to play and hoped to pursue a career in television herself.

Fergie told CNN's Larry King Live show she needs the media to convey her message on issues such as the suffering of orphaned children or abused women.

John Le Carre and Salman Rushdie have taken to the Guardian's letters page to maul each other over freedom of speech.


The row centres on Rushdie's 1988 novel, The Satanic Verses. A fatwa was proclaimed against him by Iran's Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who deemed it blasphemous to Islam.

Rushdie accused Le Carre of "eagerly and rather pompously joining forces with my assailants".