
Liam Gallagher was charged with assault yesterday in an Australian court after he allegedly headbutted a fan outside the band…

Liam Gallagher was charged with assault yesterday in an Australian court after he allegedly headbutted a fan outside the band's hotel. He was granted A$10,000 (£5,000) bail in the Brisbane Magistrate's Court after being charged with assault occasioning bodily harm. The penalty for the offence can range from a fine to imprisonment.

Eric Clapton (52), a recovered heroin addict, said he is furious that young people seem unable to heed repeated warnings about drug abuse.

"It's like Jimi (Hendrix) died for nothing, like there was nothing to be learned from a master musician choking on his vomit," he said in USA Today.

Candice Vignon, who is standing for France's National Front party, is also a part-time stripper.


The party's election literature for the Oise department near Paris says she's an artiste, but the local weekly paper printed a publicity shot of her wearing a native American headdress and skirt, and nothing in between.

Chris de Burgh has come to the defence of the £40 cost of tickets for the Princess Diana memorial concert and said he did not understand the fuss.

De Burgh, who will be performing, said the ticket was a bargain and many of the acts would sell out similar-sized concerts in their own right.