THE Duchess of York's two daughters, Princess Beatrice (8)and Princess Eugenie (6), arrived back in Britain after their Swiss…

THE Duchess of York's two daughters, Princess Beatrice (8)and Princess Eugenie (6), arrived back in Britain after their Swiss skiing holiday yesterday, a day later than expected - the young princesses classmates were already at lessons after the half term break.

Last month the duchess was criticised for setting a bad example by taking her daughters out of school for a holiday in Argentina with their grandmother Susan Barrantes (59).

David Gahan of the British band Depeche Mode has completed court ordered drug rehabilitation, nine months after overdosing on heroin and cocaine.

He began drug treatment at a rehabilitation centre in Marina del Rey in California after being arrested in May. The drug charges will be dropped if, he completes the programme.


Monaco's Prince Albert became a target for thousands of festival participants at Nice's annual carnival.

Leading the carnival's closing parade along Nice's Promenade des Anglais, Albert tried to keep his dignity while dodging confetti attacks by other personalities - particularly French tennis star Henri Leconte.

Albert soon became almost unrecognisable under jets of synthetic mousse.

Princess Diana yesterday issued a libel writ against a Sunday newspaper

Her solicitor Anthony Julius said she was suing Express, Newspapers and Richard Addis, the editor of Express on Sunday, over the story, splashed on the front page, which claimed she was to profit from a charity auction of her evening gowns.

The Princess's office moved quickly to dismiss the story, insisting that all the money raised from the auction - expected to be between £1 million and £4 million - will go to charity.