ELTON JOHN yesterday returned to his alma mater, the Royal Academy of Music, to be awarded honorary membership

ELTON JOHN yesterday returned to his alma mater, the Royal Academy of Music, to be awarded honorary membership. Previous recipients of the award include Mendelssohn, Liszt and Richard Strauss. In front of hundreds of cheering musicians at the ceremony he joked: "See what happens if you don't practise.

Sidney Poitier (70) took on a new role yesterday, representing the Bahamas as ambassador to Japan.

The actor, who holds dual US and Bahamian nationality, took up the post in a ceremony presided over by Japanese Emperor Akihito.

All the bishops recently surveyed for the Church of England Newspaper knew who the Spice Girls are and 84 per cent could name at least one of them. In fact, Bishop Michael Nazir Ali of Rochester could name all five - Baby Spice Emma Bunton, Ginger Spice Geri Halliwell, Sporty Spice Mel Chisholm, Posh Spice Victoria Adams and Scary Spice Melanie Brown.


The bishops were also aware of two recent films, Trainspotting and The English Patient. They were less aware when it came to television, disclosing only a hazy knowledge of The X Files.

British architects yesterday gave lukewarm reviews to Prince Charles's plans for a £1 million extension of his Highgrove residence, to be used for charity balls.

Graham Cooper of the Art and Architecture Society, called it a "banal and depressing design which has more in common with Wimpey homes than Roman villas".

Michael Jackson, booked to star at the World Music Awards in Monaco this week, has pulled out at the last minute. He was to have been joint guest of honour with Jon Bon Jovi at the awards with an expected TV audience of around one billion viewers.