People urged to pray for an end to prejudice

The four main Church leaders in Ireland have urged people to pray for "an end to prejudice and sectarianism in the year ahead…

The four main Church leaders in Ireland have urged people to pray for "an end to prejudice and sectarianism in the year ahead". They also called on everyone "to reject those words, attitudes and actions which fuel prejudice and sectarianism".

In a brief message for the new year, the Catholic Primate, Archbishop Seán Brady; the Church of Ireland Primate, Archbishop Robin Eames; the Presbyterian Moderator, Dr David Clarke; and the Methodist president, Rev Ivan McElhinney, said that 2007 "brings both the excitement of a fresh start but also fear of what may lie ahead . . . in Northern Ireland we once again face a year of decision which will affect our future and that of our children and grandchildren.

"The decisions we make will either take us forward into a shared future with a mindset of moving forward together or leave us in the past, trapped by our grudges and prejudices."

They continued: "As Christians we believe our future is in God's hands and we would ask people to join us in prayer seeking guidance for ourselves, wisdom for our politicians and leaders, and for the good of all our fellow citizens.


"We ask everyone to reject those words, attitudes and actions which fuel prejudice and sectarianism. In this way we believe everyone can play a significant part in finding a way forward around which we can all unite in a spirit of equality and respect for one another."

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times