Permission for hotel and complex on 'unique' Cahir site withdrawn

An Bord Pleanála has decided to overturn planning permission for the construction of a hotel, shopping facilities and 40 apartments…

An Bord Pleanála has decided to overturn planning permission for the construction of a hotel, shopping facilities and 40 apartments earmarked for a site on the banks of the river Suir in Cahir, Co Tipperary.

The successful appeal by An Taisce was against the decision made by South Tipperary County Council in May last year to grant permission, subject to conditions, for the development of the proposed four- to eight-storey 72 bedroom hotel, apartments and ground-floor retail units totalling 1,426sq m.

The project was proposed by Bennett Construction Ltd, care of Michael Collins Associates, Lower Mount Street, Dublin.

The planning board noted that the proposed site, located in the centre of Cahir, was of unique sensitivity and national importance. It was close to Cahir Castle, a national monument, and within the Cahir architectural conservation area and zone of archaeological potential as defined in the Cahir Local Area Plan, 2005.


The board felt that the replacement of the existing mill building, by reason of the excessive height, scale and bulk of the proposed hotel, would adversely affect the setting of the castle and the character of the Cahir architectural conservation area, and would fail to achieve an appropriate scale in relation to the castle.

It was considered that the proposed development, by reason of its design, would constitute a discordant and visually obtrusive element on the town's streetscape and would interfere with views of the castle from Bridge Street, which are protected in the county development plan.

"The board is not satisfied that the proposed development would adequately respect and protect the River Suir," it continued. The proposed development would, therefore, be contrary to the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.

The apartments were planned for two separate blocks: a four-storey apartment building of 36 two-bedroom units and eight three-bedroom apartments over ground-floor parking for 109 cars.