Peru recalls envoy from Bolivia

PERU: Peru recalled its ambassador from Bolivia after left-wing Bolivian president Evo Morales accused it of having a secret…

PERU:Peru recalled its ambassador from Bolivia after left-wing Bolivian president Evo Morales accused it of having a secret US military base and urged Peruvians to rise up against the government, the foreign ministry said yesterday.

Tensions between the neighbours have been running high since Peru signed a free trade agreement with the United States late last year.

Bolivia has denounced the accord and urged the Andean community - which also includes Colombia and Ecuador - to do the same.

Peru and Colombia are strong US allies and sharply disagree with Mr Morales on trade issues. Ecuador leans to the left, particularly on trade.


The US Congress approved the pact with Peru last year. A deal with Colombia is pending, as is another agreement with Panama.

Mr Morales is an ally of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez. - ( Reuters)