Pipeline sabotage stops Iraqi oil exports

Saboteurs blew up Iraq's northern export pipeline for the second week in a row today, halting oil flows to Turkey's Ceyhan port…

Saboteurs blew up Iraq's northern export pipeline for the second week in a row today, halting oil flows to Turkey's Ceyhan port.

A bomb that exploded overnight blew off a section of the twin pipeline near the oil centre of Baiji, they said.

The pipeline runs from the Kirkuk oil fields to the IT-1A storage tanks near Baiji, where oil accumulates before it is pumped further north to Ceyhan.

Sabotage against the northern pipeline network has been intense since US forces attacked the Sunni Muslim city of Falluja near Baghdad last month.


Another domestic oil pipeline was hit near Baiji today, the latest in attacks that have crippled operations of refineries and helped to create severe shortages of fuels, especially in Baghdad.