Planning case adjourned

A challenge to planning permission for an integrated sow unit near Ballyragget, Co Kilkenny, has been adjourned to next month…

A challenge to planning permission for an integrated sow unit near Ballyragget, Co Kilkenny, has been adjourned to next month at the High Court. At the close of the second day of the action against An Bord Pleanala by Mr Thomas Maher, a school principal, Mr Justice Kelly said he would be unable to resume the hearing until December 2nd as he would be on circuit.

A member of the Noreside Environmental Protection Group, Mr Maher, of Seskin North, Ballyragget, is seeking an order quashing the board's decision upholding planning permission by Kilkenny County Council to Mr Thomas McEvoy for the piggery at Ballyconra, Ballyragget. He also wants a declaration that an Environmental Impact Assessment be carried out on pig-rearing installations likely to have a significant impact on the environment.