Plant within IAEA regulations - Iran

The activity of an Iranian enrichment plant under construction is within the framework of the UN nuclear agency's regulations…

The activity of an Iranian enrichment plant under construction is within the framework of the UN nuclear agency's regulations, a senior Iranian official was quoted as saying today.

Ali Akbar Salehi, Iran's nuclear energy agency chief, said construction of the plant was to preserve the Islamic Republic's right to the peaceful use of nuclear energy, the ISNA news agency reported.

He said in a statement all necessary "defensive aspects" had been taken into consideration in building the plant, suggesting measures to protect it against military attack.

"In order to preserve its definite rights (in) the peaceful use of nuclear energy, Iran has taken a successful step and created a semi-industrial plant to enrich nuclear fuel," Salehi's statement said.


"The activity of these installations, which are under construction, is within the framework of the regulations of the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)," the statement said.
