PM's wife in another storm

Jerusalem - The wife of the Israeli Prime Minister, Mr Benjamin Netanyahu, was thrust into the eye of another storm yesterday…

Jerusalem - The wife of the Israeli Prime Minister, Mr Benjamin Netanyahu, was thrust into the eye of another storm yesterday over a newspaper report which alleged she had abused her position and tormented subordinates.

Mr Netanyahu's office issued a blanket denial of the claims made about his wife Sara (39) by Yedioth Ahronoth, Israel's bestselling daily. Asked to respond to specific points, a spokesman said: "We don't react to such gossip."

Among allegations, attributed to unnamed officials and witnesses, was a claim that Mrs Netanyahu kept an office in the prime ministry building, two secretaries and a media adviser at the taxpayers' expense. The newspaper also alleged she had fired three nannies and two secretaries since Mr Netanyahu took office 18 months ago, thrown shoes at a housekeeper because they weren't polished properly and forced erstwhile friends to address her as "Mrs Netanyahu".