Police appeal for help as murdered farmer is buried

THE FUNERAL of the Co Armagh man found dead at his home last week has taken place

THE FUNERAL of the Co Armagh man found dead at his home last week has taken place. Victor Stewart, a 45-year-old dairy farmer, was buried at Drumhillery Presbyterian church yesterday nearly a week after his body was found.

He was believed to have been murdered in what the PSNI has described as "a savage attack" during a suspected robbery at his remote farmhouse on Creevekeeran Road, Middletown on the main Armagh to Monaghan road.

It is thought he died shortly after 9pm on Monday and that his body lay undiscovered for two days. The bachelor is thought to have died following a violent attack in the living room of his home.

The PSNI said last night detectives were continuing to question a man who was arrested in connection with the murder.


Senior investigating officer, Det Chief Insp Gareth Talbot, said police believe the motive for the murder was robbery.

He said police want to speak to anyone who was in the area at the time.

The suspect can be detained until tomorrow when he must either be released or charged.

Earlier this month, 62-year-old Eileen Corrigan was also murdered in Co Armagh.

It is not thought the two murders are directly connected.

"It's one line of inquiry, but there are no obvious links between the two murders," the PSNI said. "These are being treated as separate murder inquiries."

Officers continued to call for information about the movements of the dead man in the hours before his death on October 20th. They have said it is "imperative" they retrace his movements shortly before the attack.

Police said they would like to speak to anyone who saw Mr Stewart at any time from Sunday morning until Monday evening.