Police clash with protesters in Nepal

Hundreds of Nepali protesters demanding that dethroned King Gyanendra immediately leave his palace clashed with police today, …

Hundreds of Nepali protesters demanding that dethroned King Gyanendra immediately leave his palace clashed with police today, injuring more than 25 people only a day after the abolition of the monarchy.

Hundreds of stone-throwing demonstrators tried to storm the palace, prompting police to beat them back with bamboo sticks.

"Gyanendra, thief, leave the palace!" protesters shouted.

The clash came hours after the royal flag was lowered from Nepal's royal place as the Himalayan nation celebrated its first day as a republic following the abolition of its 239-year-old Hindu monarchy.


A special assembly elected in April voted to abolish the monarch and gave Gyanendra a fortnight to vacate the sprawling pink palace in Kathmandu. His palace will be turned into a museum.

That vote was a key condition of a 2006 peace deal with the Maoist former rebels who ended their decade-long civil war and joined mainstream politics.

"Vive la Republique," read a banner headline in the Kathmandu Post.

"A hope is born," said the Himalayan Timesdaily.

Authorities said the national flag will be raised in place of the royal standard. About 500 people shouting "This is the people's victory" marched in celebration of the new republic.

"I feel really honoured," said 27-year-old university student Dev Raj Bhatta standing in sweltering heat outside the palace gate earlier today. "The end of the monarchy has made me a proud Nepali citizen."

The US government, which still classifies the Maoists as a terrorist organisation, gave its support to the new republic.

"This is another exciting milestone in Nepal's democratic development," a US embassy statement said.