Police make fatal error

POLAND: Polish police have admitted they mistakenly fired live ammunition, not rubber bullets, to quell a campus riot on Saturday…

POLAND: Polish police have admitted they mistakenly fired live ammunition, not rubber bullets, to quell a campus riot on Saturday, killing one and seriously injuring several others.

Several top police officials have resigned and the central Polish city of Lodz announced three days of mourning following a night of clashes involving an armed gang, students and police, which left a 19-year-old man dead, some 70 people injured and led to 19 arrests. Police say the disturbance erupted when a gang of about 100 men armed with chains, bricks and metal rods crashed celebrations marking the end of the academic year.

"Somehow 25 lead-tipped bullets got mixed in with the rubber bullets," a police spokesman said. - (Reuters)