Police tell of hostages' rescue

London - The British Metropolitan Police yesterday revealed details of how they discovered nine Chinese hostages - seven women…

London - The British Metropolitan Police yesterday revealed details of how they discovered nine Chinese hostages - seven women and two men - in secret cupboards and small spaces inside a house in the Isle of Dogs, east London, Rachel Donnolly reports. Armed police raided the house on Monday after a male captive escaped and was brought to the police. When the police arrived there were 22 people inside the house. At first they were unable to distinguish between the kidnappers - thought to be members of Chinese "snakehead" gangs who organise the entry of illegal immigrants but often kidnap them and bribe their families until they hand over money for their release - and the kidnapped. But after hearing cries they discovered the first of the kidnap victims sitting in the dark inside a 2ft space behind a false wall.

Last night, 13 people were being questioned in connection with the kidnap at two London police stations.