Police to question Irish soccer star

Police were yesterday preparing to question the Manchester United captain, Roy Keane, over claims that he threatened a woman …

Police were yesterday preparing to question the Manchester United captain, Roy Keane, over claims that he threatened a woman with a knife. The Irish soccer international was alleged to have pounded on a neighbour's door brandishing a knife and a walking stick, Greater Manchester Police said.

Ms Susan Eyres (34) was looking after her parents' home in Green Courts, Bowdon, when Keane came to the door in May this year, swearing and shouting abuse, it was alleged.

The affray, on May 14th, shortly after the club's championship win, was believed to have been provoked by a row with Ms Eyres' brother Roger (28) in a local pub over Keane's dogs, which were said to be roaming their garden.

A Greater Manchester Police spokesman yesterday confirmed that Keane had been interviewed by an officer after Ms Eyres reported the incident immediately to her local police station in Altrincham.


Keane, who promised to attend the station with his solicitor, was believed to have been forced to break several appointments due to training commitments. But police yesterday confirmed he was due to be interviewed.