Police use CS spray in Derry mob attack

Police in Derry used CS spray after coming under attack by a gang as they went to the aid of an assault victim earlier today.

Police in Derry used CS spray after coming under attack by a gang as they went to the aid of an assault victim earlier today.

Police said the incident happened shortly before 2 a.m. when officers intervened to stop an attack on a young man in Waterloo Place.

As the officers were attempting to withdraw, they were attacked by a crowd of around 100 youths, a police spokeswoman said.

A 16-year-old man was arrested for disorderly behaviour and CCTV footage is being examined in a bid to identify others involved.


Twenty minutes earlier, officers had used CS spray to help quell a riot in the nearby Victoria Market car park.

It was also used to prevent another attack on a young man, who was being assaulted by up to 30 youths.