Policing board member sacked over gay jibes

A Democratic Unionist politician was tonight kicked off a policing board in Northern Ireland for taunting a gay colleague.

A Democratic Unionist politician was tonight kicked off a policing board in Northern Ireland for taunting a gay colleague.

Mr Arthur Templeton was told he must quit the authority in Newtownabbey, Co Antrim following a meeting in Belfast.

Members of the governing body insisted his role had become untenable.

A statement issued tonight said: "In considering Councillor Templeton's position the board concluded that he was unfit to discharge the functions as a member of a District Policing Partnership.


"As such they ordered that Cllr Templeton be removed, with immediate effect, from the office of political member of Newtownabbey DPP."

Mr Templeton was convicted earlier this year of harassing homosexual council candidate Mr John Blair.

He was fined £250 for a series of incidents including one where he bent down in front of Mr Blair - who also sat on Newtownabbey's DPP - patted his backside and said: "Here you are John." The shamed councillor also remarked that Mr Blair's shirt "was queer just like him".

DUP chiefs have already suspended Mr Templeton over the furore.  He has already been told of the decision reached by the Northern Ireland Policing Board, which oversees the 26 DPPs.