Polish PM Belka loses confidence vote

Poland's ruling left is to relaunch efforts to win backing from smaller parties for their prime ministerial candidate Mr Marek…

Poland's ruling left is to relaunch efforts to win backing from smaller parties for their prime ministerial candidate Mr Marek Belka after he lost a parliamentary vote of confidence yesterday.

The unpopular ex-communist Democratic Left Alliance (SLD) needs to strike a compromise with part of the opposition to stave off early elections, which according to public opinionpolls would deprive them of seats in a new parliament.

"We have to seek a compromise. In the second round of the vote our candidate will again be Marek Belka," Mr Marek Dyduch, the SLD's secretary general said.

Prolonging a crippling political crisis in the biggest new member of the EU, may prevent Poland from taking immediate advantage of its EU entry and would delay vital reforms.


Mr Belka, a straight-talking "new left" economist, resigned after the vote but will stay on as caretaker, giving parliament two weeks to form and approve an alternative cabinet.

If parliament fails to come up with a new government, as expected, President Aleksander Kwasniewski will be forced to act and has already indicated he will reappoint Mr Belka.

The SLD and its allies won 188 votes in favour of respected former finance minister Belka, while 262 deputies in the lower house voting against.

The Peasants Party (PSL), a former coalition partner, said it was open for talks on forming government but one with Mr Belka's at its helm.