Political colleaguespay tribute to Tánaiste

Political reaction: The Tánaiste's announcement of her resignation as PD leader has prompted warm tributes from friends, colleagues…

Political reaction: The Tánaiste's announcement of her resignation as PD leader has prompted warm tributes from friends, colleagues and some political opponents. However, it has also brought claims from the Opposition that the Government has been seriously destabilised.

EU Commissioner Charlie McCreevy was among the first to pay tribute to Ms Harney yesterday. He described her as one of the outstanding politicians of her generation and "second to none" as an "orator, advocate and influencer".

Two of Ms Harney's potential successors also reacted briefly to her departure.

Minister for Justice Michael McDowell described her as "the most spectacularly successful employment minister in western Europe the person who brought Ireland from a country of mass unemployment to huge employment".


Deputy Liz O'Donnell said it was a sad day for her personally and for the party. She said she would have preferred if Ms Harney had stayed on until the next election.

Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny described Ms Harney as a politician of integrity and honesty who had worked with great dedication for her constituents and the country.

"I have always regarded her as a conviction politician and throughout her political career she showed considerable courage on many occasions."

Labour leader Pat Rabbitte said it was not credible for the Government to go on "as if nothing has happened".

"The forcing out of Mary Harney leaves a dysfunctional minor partner in Government, whose two Ministers now ignore each other and who preside over two departments in disarray.

"If the PDs, just a couple of months ago, persuaded Ms Harney to stay on because they feared the consequences of Michael McDowell taking over as party leader, why should the rest of the country not be fearful of his taking over as Tánaiste?"

Minister for Defence Willie O'Dea later rounded on Mr Rabbitte's "small-minded and petty" reaction, and said it showed "an utter lack of class". He described Ms Harney as a courageous colleague who had been an outstanding success as Tánaiste.

Independent TD Finian McGrath said he was shocked and amazed at the decision, and predicted it would destabilise the Government. "Mary Harney's political epitaph will be that she failed to resolve the A&E crisis in our hospitals."

Labour TD Seán Ryan also expressed surprise at the timing of Ms Harney's announcement. "This could well bring about the next election sooner than we thought. It could also lead to the demise of the PDs."

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.