Adams says Sinn Féin ‘has no problem’ with Foster as DUP leader

Adams says Foster should stand aside until the ‘cash for ash’ scandal is cleared up

Sinn Féin’s leader Gerry Adams says the party wants Arlene Foster to stand aside until the ‘cash for ash’ controversy is cleared up. Photograph: Michael McHugh/PA Wire

Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams says his party "has no problem" with Arlene Foster being leader of the DUP, they just want her to stand aside until the 'cash for ash' controversy is cleared up.

“We never said we don’t want Arlene Foster as leader. Until the £5billion issue is cleared up, she should stand aside.

“If that is cleared up and the DUP nominate her as leader that’s not a problem,” he told RTÉ’s Today show.

He also said the Good Friday Agreement is under serious threat because of Brexit.


“People in the North are now in a special space. Their relationship is defined by the Good Friday Agreement.

“The North is a contested territory. The Good Friday Agreement is an accord to deal with it.”

Mr Adams was adamant that Sinn Féin did not leave the Stormont talks.

“They broke down when the DUP didn’t turn up.”

He said that while some individuals within the DUP might have a personal position on working on a Sunday, the party did not have an official position.

"To be fair to Arlene Foster and Nigel Dodds they said they had previous family commitments."

He maintained that talks are ongoing at an individual and leader to leader level.