Banking inquiry advised against hearing Drumm video evidence

Committee’s legal team rejects proposal by former Anglo chief to appear via video link

Legal advice for the banking inquiry has recommended the committee does not hear video evidence from David Drumm

Legal advice for the banking inquiry has recommended the committee does not hear video evidence from David Drumm.

The committee's legal team firmly rejected the proposal from the former Anglo Irish Bank chief executive to appear via video link.

The Director of Public Prosecutions also said it was highly concerned about the possible hearing.

This means the committee will not hear from Mr Drumm at the scheduled hearing this week.


It will meet in private session on Tuesday to decide whether to accept his written statement.

In that correspondence, Mr Drumm apologised to those affected by the banking crash.

He is also believed to have contradicted evidence by the former Taoiseach Brian Cowen to the committee.

Two committee members – Eoghan Murphy and Michael McGrath – had said they would not participate in the hearing if it had proceeded.