Brother of Labour chief hopeful Alan Kelly figures in donations

Standards watchdog reveals Declan Kelly gave cash to sibling, politicians and party

The Standards in Public Office Commission returns show Declan Kelly donated €1,000 to his brother Alan (above) and €1,499 to the Labour Party in Tipperary

The brother of former Labour minister for the environment Alan Kelly made a number of donations to party politicians last year.

The latest Standards in Public Office Commission (Sipo) returns show Declan Kelly, who is the chief executive of Teneo, donated €1,000 to his brother and €1,499 to the Labour Party in Tipperary.

Declan Kelly's business partner Michael Madden, with an address in the United States, also made a €1,000 donation to Alan Kelly.

The Sipo returns show Mr Madden also donated €1,495 to the party in Co Tipperary.


The returns indicate 16 public representatives disclosed donations with a net value of €33,870 for 2015.

Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Paschal Donohoe received several donations from outside the State. Public representatives cannot accept foreign donations.

However, Mr Donohoe could confirm the donors were Irish citizens, which is allowed by the commission.


The rules state public representatives may not accept donations in any year of more than €200 in cash, and not more than €1,000 in total value.

They must disclose any donations valued at €600 or more received from an individual source.

Most public representatives said that they received no donations over that amount.

Labour Senator Aodhán Ó’Riordáin received a cash donation over the limit of €200, which is not allowed by the commission. But he was able to provide proof that the excess donation was returned to the donor.

The 237 members had to furnish their donation statements by January 31st, 2016.

A total of 234 members had complied fully with the statutory requirements but three members – Senators Cáit Keane, Kathryn Reilly and James Heffernan – were late.