Burton calls for water protesters to respect Labour conference

Tánaiste says people free to protest wherever they wish, as long as it is within the law

Labour Party leader said on Wednesday that people were free to protest but called on them to respect her party’s right to hold its conference on in Killarney this weekend. Photograph: Collins

Tánaiste Joan Burton has said anti-water charges protesters planning to travel to Co Kerry where the Labour Party holds its conference this weekend must act within the law.

The Labour leader said they were free to protest but called on them to respect her party’s right to hold its conference on in Killarney on Friday and Saturday.

“Protest in Ireland is a cornerstone of our democracy and if they wish to come to beautiful Killarney I’m sure that the hotel people and the hospitality people will welcome them,” Ms Burton said.

“But we’re a democratic party and just let me say this, the essence of democratic politics is that people should respect that everybody who is involved in politics has the right to conduct their politics and to hold their party conferences.


“But of course people who want to protest, they’re free to protest wherever provided it’s done within our laws.”

She was speaking to reporters at Government Buildings after welcoming the latest employment figures.

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times