Burton may remain in Social Protection after reshuffle

Minister has expressed ‘passion’ for big-spending portfolio of late

Minister for Social Protection Joan Burton has hinted she will remain in her Department following the reshuffle if she wins the Labour Party leadership contest.

Ms Burton has recently repeatedly stressed her “passion” for her portfolio and a source has emphasised her commitment to the brief.

“Absolutely no decisions have been made, and won’t be until the Labour members decide on the next party leader. But Joan has fought extremely hard both to defend the social protection budget and reform the welfare system so that it actively helps jobseekers back to work,” the source said.

“While firm progress is being made in reducing unemployment, from a peak of over 15 per cent to 11.8 per cent now, there is a long way to go and she sees this as a critical task and remains absolutely focused on seeing the momentum increased.”


Following the formation of the Coalition Government in 2011, Ms Burton made clear she wanted to be Minister for Finance and was disappointed to receive the Social Protection portfolio.

This led to a widespread belief that she would be keen to switch Departments in the reshuffle. However, her recent public pronouncements have indicated otherwise.

The reshuffle is expected early next month, perhaps on July 8th, shortly after the Labour leadership is settled on July 4th.

Minister of State for primary care Alex White is Ms Burton’s opponent in the leadership race. Mr White has said Ms Burton would be in his Cabinet if he became leader, while she has declined to offer a similar guarantee.

Minister for Finance Michael Noonan and Minister for Public Expenditure Brendan Howlin are widely expected to remain in their positions.

With less than four months to go until Budget Day, the person at the head of the big-spending Department of Social Protection will also be key to budgetary discussions.

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times