Candidate to withdraw statement if he gets apology

John McDermott was elbowed in the ribs a number of times by Fine Gael TD Frank Feighan

Fine Gael TD Frank Feighan: issued an apology on Saturday, explaining he had over-reacted. Photograph: Frank Miller/The Irish Times

The byelection candidate elbowed in the ribs by Fine Gael TD Frank Feighan said yesterday he will withdraw his Garda statement on the incident if he gets an apology.

John McDermott, who is the Roscommon Action Committee candidate in next month's byelection for the Roscommon-South Leitrim seat vacated by MEP Luke Ming Flanagan, had approached the Taoiseach's car in Roscommon town last Friday, but was shoved backwards and elbowed in the ribs a number of times by Mr Feighan. Mr Feighan issued an apology on Saturday, explaining he had over-reacted.

“I made a statement. I didn’t make any complaint,” Mr McDermott said. “I’ve said publicly since then that if Frank Feighan rings me back and apologises ... and retracts the statement he made about the hospital action committee and their supporters ... I will go to the Garda station ... and ask them to withdraw the statement.”