Election 2020: Michael Ring (Fine Gael)

Mayo – Elected first count

Michael Ring: his network of loyal and hard working party activists ensure his high profile. Photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill

Michael Ring (66) was elected for Fine Gael in Mayo West in 1994 on his second attempt, and has retained his seat at every election since.

He and Enda Kenny had battled for top spot each year, and with Kenny’s decision not to seek re-election it comes as no surprise that Ring ranked so highly.

His political base is Westport, where he was an estate agent and auctioneer. He is an old-style machine politician, known throughout the county but particularly in every west Mayo parish, where his network of loyal and hard working party activists ensure his high profile.

In the last Dáil he served as Minister for Rural and Community Development, having previously served as minister of state for tourism and sport in the 31st Dáil.


Ring was one of the most vocal Ministers who voiced concern about the new controversial, graduated penalty points system for motorists.

He is married to Ann Ring, and they have three children.

Shauna Bowers

Shauna Bowers

Shauna Bowers is Health Correspondent of The Irish Times