Expert group created to advise citizens assembly

Eighth amendment will be first item to be discussed by new 100-member assembly

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has tabled a motion before the House outlining the terms of reference for the expert group.

The citizens assembly which will shortly begin examining the Eighth amendment will be assisted in its work by an expert advisory group.

Taoiseach Enda Kenny has tabled a motion before the House outlining the terms of reference for the expert group.

This motion says a new advisory group will be established to assist the assembly and will be able to offer information and advice.

The 100-member assembly will also be asked to invite and accept submissions from interested bodies and can seek additional expert advice that it deems necessary.


This assembly will be asked to examine the Eighth amendment, which places the life of the unborn on an equal footing to the life of a mother; Ireland’s ageing population, fixed term parliaments and the manner in which referenda are held.

The first item to be discussed will be the Eighth amendment and its conclusions will be forwarded to an Oireachtas committee.

The assembly chair will be appointed by the Government and the other 99 will be randomly selected.

All matters will be determined by a majority of the votes of members present and voting, other than the chair who will have the casting vote if required.

The Government will be required to provide a response to each recommendation of the assembly and, if accepting the recommendation, indicate the timeframe it envisages for the holding of any related referendum.