Fine Gael selects sitting TDs Collins and Creed to stand in Cork North-West

Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Aine Collins TD on a visit to Krust Bakery, in Dublin, in March. Ms Collins is one of two sitting TDs selected to run for Fine Gael in Cork North-West for the next general election. Photograph: Eric Luke

Fine Gael has selected its two sitting TDs in Cork North-West as the party's candidates in the constituency for the next general election.

Deputies Áine Collins and Michael Creed were chosen by delegates at the selection convention, which was held yesterday evening.

In Cork South-West, Fianna Fáil delegates at their own constituency convention last night chose Cllr Margaret Murphy O'Mahony as their general election candidate. She beat Cllr Gillian Coughlan to win the general election nomination.