Housing planning applications given priority to ease crisis

Councils told to avoid unnecessary delays over schemes for 100 units or more

Minister for Housing Simon Coveney TD at the publication of the Government’s new housing action plan at the Government Press Centre last month. Photograph: Nick Bradshaw.

Local authorities have been asked to give planning applications for housing the highest priority by the Department of Housing.

In a circular to managers, department assistant secretary David Walsh outlines the urgency for councils to deliver in the housing crisis.

Mr Walsh says the Government has committed to introducing legislation to allow applications for housing schemes of 100 units or more to be made directly to An Bord Pleanála for consideration.

In the meantime, “given the gravity of the current housing challenges”, local authorities are to ensure all planning applications for housing are given the highest priority.


Mr Walsh says a maximum waiting time of two weeks should apply for applicants seeking pre-planning consultation.

Authorities are being asked to apply discretion in the level of detail requested of prospective applicants at these consultations.

It says the request in some instances for a virtually complete set of planning application-ready drawings would defeat the purpose and says a broad outline and sketch design is sufficient.

Mr Walsh says clarification of information or requests for further information should be kept to an absolute minimum.

He adds: “The aim is to offer an effective and responsive planning service to prospective applicants, where the requirements of the planning authority are clearly articulated and followed through within the decision-making process.”

Mr Walsh's letter follows similar correspondence issued by Minister for Housing, Simon Coveney, to local authority staff.

The latest circular is one of many that will be issued to local authorities in the wake of the Government’s housing action plan.

Mr Walsh adds: “At the heart of the action plan is the Government’s comprehensive response to the current housing supply shortage, which applies across all tenures and is one of the most urgent challenges we currently face.

“There is an immediate and pressing need for all suitable potential sources of supply to be activated as speedily as possible.

“This circular letter is intended to draw the attention of local authorities to certain key aspects of the plan, dealing with supply of housing.

“The circular also outlines available and existing mechanisms in the planning system that have the potential to expedite the supply of considerable numbers of units for sale, rent and social housing.”