Independent Alliance ‘will not negotiate’ under election threat

Six TDs criticise Varadkar for tweet saying his election posters were ready to be used

Six Independent AllianceTDs on Monday criticised acting Minister for Health Leo Varadkar for a tweet issued on Sunday night in which he said his general election posters were ready to be used in a second election.

The Independent Alliance has said it will not negotiate with Fine Gael under the threat of a second general election.

The six Alliance TDs on Monday criticised acting Minister for Health Leo Varadkar for a tweet issued on Sunday night in which he said his general election posters were ready to be used in a second election.

Shane Ross TD said the tweet was not helpful to the process.

Mr Ross said: "We won't negotiate under threat and we won't take that threat seriously."


Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran said the tweet was disrespectful to the Independents who had spent 50 hours to date negotiating with Fine Gael.

Mr Moran said the Alliance would not sign up to any Programme for Government until Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil begin negotiations.

The Independent Alliance will meet Fine Gael today and Fianna Fáil tomorrow.

Fine Gael’s negotiating team will present all 15 Independents with a paper of policies on Monday based on their talks with the TDs.

Fianna Fáil is meeting with the rural TDs and the Healy Rae brothers today.

Independent TD Michael Fitzmaurice said the Alliance would give due respect to both parties before making a decision on what to do.

He said he expected the Alliance to make a decision within a fortnight.

Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael are expected to begin negotiations on Wednesday on formation of Government.

Acting Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation Richard Bruton said it was unlikely Enda Kenny would secure enough votes to be elected Taoiseach in a Dáil vote on Wednesday.

Earlier, Longford Westmeath Fianna Fáil TD Robert Troy said his party will continue talks to try to put forward an alternative to a Fine Gael led government.

“We want to see if there is a common agreement with other independents, with smaller parties to try to put forward an alternative.

“If we manage to put together a greater number of votes than the acting Taoiseach then the onus is on Fine Gael to support a minority Fianna Fáil led government,” he said on Midlands 103.

The Longford Westmeath deputy’s comments come as Fianna Fáil will this week complete talks with Independents and smaller parties.