Inside Politics: Does the Fine Gael leadership contest matter?

On this week’s podcast, Fintan O’Toole and Pat Leahy dissect the race to succeed Kenny

Fine Gael Minister Leo Varadkar, who is in the race to succeed Enda Kenny. File photograph: Gareth Chaney/Collins

Leo Varadkar seems to be pulling away in the race to succeed Enda Kenny. But does it really matter whether it is Simon or Leo?

On this week's edition of Inside Politics, Fintan O'Toole and Pat Leahy discuss a contest that Fintan says is not even a struggle for the soul of Fine Gael, let alone the soul of Ireland, between two candidates who have failed to show real leadership on major social problems.

Inside Politics is hosted by Irish Times Culture Editor Hugh Linehan.

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Declan Conlon

Declan Conlon

Declan Conlon is head of audio at The Irish Times