Kenny will leave office ‘kicking and screaming’ - Fine Gael TD

John Deasy says Taoiseach’s policy of ‘rewarding failure’ puts party in jeopardy

Taoiseach Enda Kenny could be ousted as party leader before the end of the year, according to a Fine Gael TD. Photograph: Cyril Byrne / The Irish Times

Taoiseach Enda Kenny could be ousted as party leader before the end of the year, but “he will have to be dragged out of the place, kicking and screaming”, according to Fine Gael TD John Deasy.

He says that Mr Kenny’s policy of “rewarding failure” has put the party in jeopardy.

"When a party rewards failure to the extent that Fine Gael and Enda Kenny has, it's in serious trouble," Mr Deasy told RTÉ's Today with Sean O'Rourke show.

“Bringing back James Reilly, making him deputy leader, bringing back people who had lost their seats, some of them very badly, picking them for the Senate; I think we have a major problem.


“That results in his power base being strengthened. So if he wants to take that view point it would be difficult to shift him.

“He is very skilled at keeping the power base within Fine Gael and protecting people. I’m the only person who turned down a job — chair of Housing Committee.”

Mr Deasy predicted that if there was an election tomorrow, Fianna Fáil would pick up ten or 15 seats and Fine Gael would lose ten to 15 seats.

“We would end up in same situation with those two parties who would have to come to some sort of arrangement with regard to governing.

“There needs to be a change of direction with regards to those two different parties. The Budget indicates to me that there hasn’t been any change as far as the psychology of running this country when it comes to taking decision in the national interest versus protecting the status quo politically.”

He said it had been his experience that there was very little principle in Irish politics.

“If people within Fine Gael had more sense within our electoral possibilities next time round, they need to be reminded that it failed badly last time. They took a look at the leadership and said no, that needs to change quickly.”

Mr Deasy said it was absolutely imperative that a new leader be given time “to bed in and make an impression on the electorate”.

Mr Deasy also predicted the Fine Gael leadership contest will be between two candidates – Simon Coveney and Leo Varadkar. He said Mr Varadkar had “the edge” at this stage, amongst the parliamentary party and grass roots, but not a great deal.