Lawyers for Angela Kerins serve papers on PAC members

Former Rehab chief claims she suffered ill health after seven-hour interrogation

Former Rehab chief executive Angela Kerins claims she suffered ill health and had to leave her position as chief executive of Rehab as a result of her interaction with the PAC in February. Photograph: Cyril Byrne / The Irish Times

Lawyers for former Rehab chief executive Angela Kerins have served papers on members of the Public Accounts Committee as part of her action claiming damages arising from her dealings with the public spending watchdog.

An Oireachtas spokesman confirmed the legal papers had been served on all 13 members of the committee, as well as the committee clerk, the Dáil clerk and the Attorney General.

Ms Kerins claims she suffered ill health and had to leave her position as chief executive of Rehab as a result of her interaction with the committee, including a seven-hour appearance in February.

It emerged this week that Ms Kerins had claimed in her High Court proceedings that the clerk of the Public Accounts Committee told her he tried for months to resist a request to bring the disability group before the committee.

Harry McGee

Harry McGee

Harry McGee is a Political Correspondent with The Irish Times