Leo Varadkar urges supporters to transfer votes to Joan Burton

Fine Gael minister asks people to give number three preference to Labour Tánaiste

Leo Varadkar is expected to top the poll and Fine Gael and Labour strategists are eager that his transfers will help the Tánaiste Joan Burton get over the line. Photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times

Minister for Health Leo Varadkar has urged his supporters to give running mate Catherine Noone their first preference and their third to Tánaiste Joan Burton.

In a letter to residents on the Navan Road, Mr Varadkar asks voters to give their number one to Ms Noone.

He said by voting Ms Noone number one and Mr Varadkar number two "the strongest possible Fine Gael team is elected to represent Dublin West and the communities of the Navan Road in the next Dáil."

“We are also asking for you to continue your preference for Joan Burton (No.3).


“Catherine and Fine Gael will prioritise increasing childcare support for working families, increasing secondary school places in the are, phasing out the USC and investing in services.”

A recent poll suggested Ms Burton is under pressure to retain her seat in Dublin West four seat constituencies.

Mr Varadkar is expected to top the poll and Fine Gael and Labour strategists are eager that his transfers will help the Tánaiste get over the line.

Minister for Enterprise Richard Bruton has confirmed he has been asked by Fine Gael to vote number one for his running mate Naoise O’Muiri. He said he would be following the direction from the party.