Lucinda Creighton calls on HSE director general to resign

Tony O’Brien’s position under threat after report into babies’ deaths in Portlaoise

Renua leader Lucinda Creighton says Mr O’Brien’s position is untenable. Photograph: Cyril Byrne

Renua leader Lucinda Creighton has called on the director general of the Health Service Executive to resign.

Ms Creighton said the position of Tony O’Brien was untenable after a report into the deaths of five babies at Portlaoise hospital was published last week.

The Dublin South East TD said the report showed there were failures at national level that needed to be addressed. It was not proper that four hospital staff members faced disciplinary action and the HSE’s top officials did not.

The report found HSE managers at local, regional and national level were aware of patient safety risks but failed to act.


Mr O'Brien has apologised to the families affected but said he would not be stepping down from his position.He will appear at an Oireachtas health committee meeting on Tuesday. Róisín and Mark Molloy, who lost their son Mark, and Oliver Kelly and Amy Delahunt, whose daughter Mary-Kate died in 2013, will also appear before the committee.

Fianna Fail spokesman on health Billy Kelleher said Mr O’Brien had “serious questions to answer”.

“I will wait to hear Mr O’Brien’s version of events before I decide on the tenability of his position.”