March for Choice expected to draw 20,000 people

Abortion Rights Campaign says 20 events are taking place globally in solidarity with march

Anti-Austerity Alliance’s Ruth Coppinger said there was a clear consensus that legislation needed to be changed. Photograph: Eric Luke / The Irish Times

Campaigners are expecting 20,000 people to march in favour of repealing the eighth amendment this weekend.

Michali Hyams from the Abortion Rights Campaign said events this year had increased the demand for change.

Ms Hyams said 20 events were to take place globally in solidarity with their march.

Anti-Austerity Alliance's Ruth Coppinger said there was a clear consensus that legislation needed to be changed.


She said the eighth amendment needs to be removed from the Constitution and did not need a replacement.

Ms Coppinger said nothing should be included in the Constitution that polices women bodies.

She said: “Leinster House needs to take note. They cannot hold back the tide that is clearly unstoppable.”

Ms Coppinger said the conservatism in the Dáil does not represent the views of the general population.

Catherine Martin, deputy leader of the Green Party, said women are treated like criminals and forced to travel for a safe medical procedure.

Ms Martin said Ireland can pretend no longer that our abortion laws do not endanger women.

Independent Senator Alice-Mary Higgins said the march for choice will demonstrate the level of desire for change.

“This is an issue of choice and an issue of trust. This is about trusting women and restoring women’s trust in the state to value us and our trust in the Constitution to reflect our real views,” Ms Higgins said.

The march takes place this Saturday at 1.30pm from the Garden of Remembrance in Dublin.