New Northern Ireland talks will attempt to bring peace

Flags, parades and the past among issues to be discussed by Irish and British governments

Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan has said the time is right now for a new round of peace negotiations in Northern Ireland. Photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times

Fresh talks to break the deadlock in the Northern Ireland peace process are to be held, the British and Irish governments have signalled.

Speaking at the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham, Northern Ireland secretary of state Theresa Villiers said a new round of cross party negotiations are to be convened.

They will focus on the outstanding issues, including disagreements on how to deal with flags, parades and the past, which she said were consuming ever increasing amounts of time and resources.

Ms Villiers also appealed for unionists to get “back round the table” to try to resolve the impasse.


“I fully appreciate how very difficult these issues are, the roots of some of them date back centuries, but there are huge benefits for Northern Ireland if a way can be found to make progress on them,” she said.

Speaking from New York, Minister for Foreign Affairs Charlie Flanagan said the time was right for a new round of negotiations.

“Having spent a number of weeks consulting with the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland party leaders, I am strongly of the view that all party talks involving the two Governments are required to overcome the current political impasse within the Northern Ireland executive — including on the legacy issues of parades, flags and identity and dealing with the past,” he said.

“I believe it is now time for these talks to take place.”

Mr Flanagan said he will be in close contact with Ms Villiers and with the leaders of the Northern Ireland parties over the coming days.

“The Irish Government wishes to see the Institutions of the Good Friday Agreement not only function but flourish to the benefit of all,” he added.

“The two Governments have an important role to play in talks to resolve the current impasse.

“We support a fully functioning partnership government in Northern Ireland and will work with the political parties to facilitate the resolution of current difficulties and legacy issues.”

Mr Flanagan will tomorrow travel to Washington DC to meet with US vice president Joe Biden and secretary of state John Kerry, as well as other influential US political figures.

“I will be reiterating my message on the need for continued strong US support for the peace process in Northern Ireland,” he said.

“Throughout the peace process, the unwavering support of successive US administrations has been critically important, as it will be again in addressing the current challenges.”