‘No regrets’ about leaving Fine Gael, says Lucinda Creighton

Renua chief’s ‘undemocratic’ old party ‘a chapter of history that is very firmly closed’

Renua leader Lucinda Creighton has insisted Fine Gael is a “chapter of history that is very firmly closed”. File photograph: Dara Mac Dónaill/The Irish Times

Renua Ireland leader Lucinda Creighton has insisted she has no regrets about leaving Fine Gael, claiming it is an undemocratic party.

Ms Creighton was expelled from the Fine Gael parliamentary party for voting against the Protection of Life During Pregnancy Bill.

The Dublin Bay South TD said the party did not have a democratic structure, and its policy was shaped by unelected officials.

She said: “I was a TD since 2007 and I was also a member of the national board for many years.


“It wasn’t a democratic structure. TDs have no input into manifesto writing, into policy formulation. It was all done by paid advisers, gurus and spin doctors and focus groups.

“It is a much more real experience with Renua Ireland.”

Ms Creighton insisted Fine Gael is a “chapter of history that is very firmly closed”.

Renua has already unveiled 20 candidates for the upcoming general election and will reveal 10 more in the coming weeks.

Manifesto launch

The party will also launch its manifesto next week. Ms Creighton insists it is the most ambitious manifesto seen in 20 years.

It will include proposals to reform the whip system in Dáil Éireann and will propose corrupt politicians be expelled from the House.

It will also propose a flat tax of 23 per cent on all income.

Meanwhile, Minister of State at the Department of Social Protection Kevin Humphreys said Renua's proposals have a €4 billion hole in them.

He said: "Even Donald Trump says their flat tax proposals are too right-wing for them. There is a €4 billion gap in relation to flat tax.

“We are returning to the era of promising everything and saying someone else will pay for it.”