Oireachtas rejects reports that Ceann Comhairle will resign

Sources had linked former Labour minister Pat Rabbitte with post in event of Sean Barrett departure

The Oireachtas has rejected reports that the Ceann Comhairle would step down before the end of the current Dáil term. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

The Oireachtas has insisted that Ceann Comhairle Sean Barrett " intends to complete his term in office and so does not intend departing his post before the end of the current Dáil".

The Irish Times reported today that Labour was preparing to propose one of its own TDs for the position of ceann comhairle if Mr Barrett resigned before the end of this Dáil. Former minister Pat Rabbitte was mentioned as the most likely candidate.

Mr Barrett last month told The Irish Times he might resign and return to the Fine Gael backbenches before the next general election.

He said he would not like to retire from politics as ceann comhairle and might decide against taking the free run available to holders of his office.


His statement has led to speculation around Leinster House about which Fine Gael TD would replace him.

However, sources in Labour said the junior Coalition partner might press the case for one of its own TDs to get the job.

In a short statement on Saturday evening, however, the Houses of the Oireachtas said it wished to clarify that, contrary to reports, Mr Barrett intended to complete his term.

“Amongst a number of priorities, the Ceann Comhairle has work he wishes to complete in his wider role as chairman of the Oireachtas Commission,” the statement said.

When asked whether it was possible he could take over as ceann comhairle should Mr Barrett step aside, Mr Rabbitte said: “You might say that, I couldn’t possibly comment.”

However, it is understood the Dublin South-West TD is open to the idea of taking on the position of chair of the Dáil if approached. The ceann comhairle is automatically returned to the Dáil at the next general election.

The ceann comhairle, as well as chairing the Dáil, is heavily involved in running Leinster House and in administrative functions across the Houses of the Oireachtas. The position comes with the same salary as a cabinet minister, just over €157,000, and an allowance for a driver, although the ceann comhairle must provide the car.

Mr Barrett did not return requests for comment on Friday night. Speaking last month, he ruled out taking on a second term as ceann comhairle but said he had yet to decide if he would retire from politics at the next election.