32nd Dáil: no taoiseach elected at the third attempt

‘Abysmal lack of leadership’ may require intervention by President, says Green Party

President Michael D Higgins: may have to “consider exercising his absolute discretion to steer a way forward for the 32nd Dáil”. Photograph: Alan Betson / The Irish Times

President Michael D Higgins might be required to “consider exercising his absolute discretion to steer a way forward for the 32nd Dáil”, according to Green Party deputy leader Catherine Martin.

She warned this unprecedented step could yet be necessary because of the “abysmal lack of leadership” shown in the “shameful delay of 47 days and counting” in obstructing the formation of government and the work of the Dáil.

Ms Martin gave her maiden speech during the Dáil debate after the House failed to elect a taoiseach for the third time since the general election.

Enda Kenny’s nomination for taoiseach was defeated by 77 votes to 52. Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin’s nomination was defeated by 91 votes to 43.


Ms Martin said “the most stable and compatible option is, of course, Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil, or is that Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael”.

Independent Alliance TD Shane Ross said their group of six TDs were withdrawing from the talks to facilitate an agreement between Fianna Fail and Fine Gael which would meet the alliance’s requirements.

And in a reference to Mr Martin and Fianna Fáil, Mr Ross said: “We do not like receiving ultimatums from any party that we should vote one way today or it will get off the pitch”.

Clear choice

Earlier, proposing Mr Martin for taoiseach, Fianna Fáil TD Lisa Chambers said TDs had a clear choice. If TDs “sit on their hands or vote against Deputy Martin, they are effectively putting Deputy Kenny back in as taoiseach to lead a Fine Gael minority government”.

Labour leader Joan Burton said “the Civil War is over” and “those who have a mandate to form a government should do so”.

Following the votes, Mr Kenny told the Dáil he would ask Mr Martin to meet again to discuss a resumption of talks.

Mr Kenny said he fully respected the rights of Independents to abstain from votes on the formation of a government until its composition and policy programme were agreed.

He recalled he had proposed a full partnership government, involving Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil and Independents, believing it was the best option to provide a stable and lasting government.

“We are now nearly seven weeks on from the general election and it is time really to focus, with a sense of urgency, on what it is we have to do here,’’ he added.

Mr Martin said that in the wake of the votes “it is time to move on”.


His party was “prepared to continue in discussions with Fine Gael about the operation of a minority government”.

But the Fianna Fáil leader said Fine Gael would have to do “what they have so far refused to do, which is to detail who it expects to participate in such a government and state that government’s programme”.

Mr Martin also said Fine Gael had to “move away from the highly controlling attitude which defined the last five years. We await a demonstration that it knows how to respect the interests of others”.

Sinn Féin deputy leader Mary Lou McDonald rounded on Mr Martin and said that if he wanted to get away from control and spin “why are you so controlling and gripped with” beating Mr Kenny on the votes, and then saying it was not about the numbers.

She also hit out at Irish Water for its post-election lobbying campaign that was a “total waste of public money and of the legitimate balance of powers between parliament and state companies”.

The Dublin Central TD said it was all about the numbers and it was about the “two big beasts throwing the rattle out of the pram because you don’t have it all your own way anymore”.

Independent TD Katherine Zappone, who voted for Mr Kenny as taoiseach said she hoped it would bring them closer to forming a minority government where all TDs would have more say in how business was conducted.

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran

Marie O'Halloran is Parliamentary Correspondent of The Irish Times

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times