60 members may resign from FG over ban

Fine Gael has confirmed that over 100 members were not allowed to vote at the party's weekend selection convention in Limerick…

Fine Gael has confirmed that over 100 members were not allowed to vote at the party's weekend selection convention in Limerick East on the grounds that they had not been affiliated to the party in time. Up to 60 people are reported to have said they will resign from the party because of this incident. But according to a party spokesman no resignations had been received by party headquarters or by the constituency secretary from any branch or any member in Limerick East.

The controversy concerns the convention last weekend which selected Senator Mary Jackman to contest the vacancy created by the death of Mr Jim Kemmy. Those threatening resignation include two long-standing Fine Gael activists, the chairman of the John Carew branch, Mr Jack Haugh, and Mr Noel King, the branch organiser.

According to a party spokesman, the John Carew branch was not affiliated to Fine Gael from 1991 to 1996. It affiliated in time for last March's selection convention which chose candidates for the June general election. It allowed its affiliation to lapse from April 1st.

Two weeks after Mr Kemmy's death, according to a Fine Gael spokesman, the John Carew branch re-affiliated and now had 114 members.