Extra funding and staff for organ donation, says Leo Varadkar

An extra €3m has been provided to facilitate 19 appointments, says Minister for Health

Minister for Health Leo Varadkar: told the Seanad that an additional €3 million has been provided to facilitate the appointment of 19 staff. Photograph: Dave Meehan

An additional €3 million has been provided to facilitate the appointment of 19 staff dedicated to organ donation across the country, Minister for Health Leo Varadkar told the Seanad.

He said these included five organ procurement co-ordinators, who had been appointed, and six organ donation nurse managers who would be in their posts in each of the hospital groups by the end of next month.

“I recognise all of the families who have facilitated the donation of the organs of their loved ones, often to the benefit of several recipients,” he added. “I reiterate my commitment to enhance organ donation and transplantation rates for the benefit of patients and their families.’’


Mr Varadkar was replying to


Fine Gael


Colm Burke

who said he understood Prof

David Hickey

, who provided an excellent service in carrying out transplants, had retired from

Beaumont Hospital

in Dublin. Another consultant had returned to his native country.

“The number of transplant consultants has been reduced to four in total when it should be eight,’’ Mr Burke added.

The Minister said given the limited number of surgeons who specialised in transplants, the filling of such vacancies posed a challenge. “While Beaumont Hospital is making every effort to recruit a suitable replacement, it is also collaborating with St Vincent’s University Hospital on a combined approach to kidney and pancreas transplants,’’ he added.

Mr Varadkar said the two hospitals, together with Organ Donation and Transplant Ireland and his department, were working to facilitate the commencement of that work as soon as possible.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times