Imports of fish cost us £51m last year

Ireland imported £51

Ireland imported £51.4 million worth of fish last year, compared to exports worth £240 million, according to figures released by the Department of the Taoiseach. The figures showed that Ireland imported 25,101 tonnes in 1996 and exported 279,393. Mr P.J. Sheehan (FG, Cork South West) expressed "alarm" at the level of imports.

"I really think that we have sufficient fish here in this country to be self-supporting," he said. Ireland was lagging behind the rest of Europe in smoked and canned fish. He asked the Minister of State at the Taoiseach's Department, Mr Seamus Brennan, what plans the Government had to improve "the canning industry of fish in this country".

"I'm afraid I'm paid only to count the number of fish that come in and out, not to deal with the policy issue involved in it," Mr Brennan replied.

Mr Sheehan said the Minister for the Marine should be asked the same question, "particularly when you have herrings at a rock-bottom price at £3 a box".