INLA members `working clubs'

Members of the INLA were working as "bouncers" in nightclubs, Mr John Farrelly (FG, Meath) told the House

Members of the INLA were working as "bouncers" in nightclubs, Mr John Farrelly (FG, Meath) told the House. He said that over the past two years, the Government had promised a Bill dealing with the private security industry. It was now promised for the end of this year.

"Is the Taoiseach aware that the INLA is taking over half of the doors as bouncers in Dublin? Will he bring this legislation forward this year?

"During the Christmas period, there was large-scale reporting of many, many INLA people taking over the doors of the dancehalls and nightclubs of this country, where drugs are being introduced to young people."

Mr Ahern said the heads of the Bill were approved by the Government on Tuesday, and detailed drafting would follow.