Podcast: Coveney or Varadkar? Their supporters speak

Prominent allies outline duo’s credentials ahead of key party meeting

Fine Gael Ministers Simon Coveney and Leo Varadkar are the front runners to succeed Taoiseach Enda Kenny. Photograph: The Irish Times

Prominent supporters of Simon Coveney and Leo Varadkar’s bids to become Fine Gael’s next leader have been outlining why their preferred candidate is the best choice to succeed Enda Kenny.

Speaking to The Irish Times Inside Politics podcast, Carlow Kilkenny TD and party vice-president John Paul Phelan praised Minister for Social Protection Leo Varadkar’s “X-factor” and referred to him as “the outstanding politician of the moment in Ireland”.

“When all the opponents of Fine Gael don’t want someone to be the leader of Fine Gael, you know he is the only one they have a genuine fear of. And that is kind of an obvious indication to the members that this is the guy we should pick,” said Mr Phelan.

“He’s the one everybody talks about. He has that X-factor that doesn’t exist on any of the benches in any of the opposition parties as well,” he added.


Also on the podcast, Minister of State for Housing Damien English, who will run Simon Coveney’s campaign, emphasised Mr Coveney’s “proven track record” to “make an impact and get the job done”.

“His strong work ethic in many departments has brought success, has brought change. He has taken on the biggest challenge we have now as a Government, which is priority number one, to tackle the housing crisis”, said Mr English, a TD for Meath West.

“He has put in place a plan to make that happen has won the resources to do that and again will make that impact that is required to solve it. And that’s what Simon will bring to the table, as a leader of the party, leader of the country in the future, that he can bring this country to the next level and continue the recovery that we have started”.

Inside Politics is hosted this week by Political Editor Pat Leahy @PatLeahyIT

Declan Conlon

Declan Conlon

Declan Conlon is head of audio at The Irish Times