Sinn Féin social protection spokesman and party whip Aengus Ó Snodaigh (51) was a regular contributor to Dáil debates during the last term. He has introduced a number of Private Member’s Bills, including legislation to reverse social welfare cuts, and recently proposed a new annual public holiday to commemorate the Easter Rising. A TD since 2002, he is a long-term campaigner on social issues, and an Irish speaker and enthusiast. Before he moved into full-time politics he worked for Bord na Gaeilge. He is a combative TD, able to hold his own in debate and has been a staunch defender of the party when it came under attack over IRA links, accusing other parties of putting party interest ahead of the peace process. He is from Ballyfermot and married with children.
Profile: Aengus Ó Snodaigh (SF)
Dublin South-Central: First TD elected of four