Patrick O'Donovan was elected to the Dáil in February 2011. The 38-year-old is a native of Newcastle West in Co Limerick. He was first elected to Limerick County Council in June 2004 when he topped the poll with 1,485 first preference votes while also working as an industrial chemist. He was re-elected to the local authority in 2009 and during this time returned to college to become a primary school teacher. O'Donovan was the youngest Fine Gael group leader in Ireland. The 38-year-old was selected by the Taoiseach to be a member of the committee on the environment, transport, culture and the Gaeltacht as well as being named on internal Fine Gael Committees on education, environment and foreign affairs. He is also a member of the British Irish Parliamentary Assembly.
Profile: Patrick O’Donovan (FG)
Limerick County: Third TD elected of three